Sharing the Story

Lewis ChapmanCurrent Projects, Education, News, Press Releases

Perseverance Theatre is excited to announce the launch of the Sharing the Story program, a new initiative designed to engage underserved populations throughout Alaska. Through this program, organizations, businesses, and individuals can purchase blocks of tickets for use by communities that can relate to the story and themes of a particular show but might otherwise be unable to attend. Sharing the Story benefactors will be acknowledged for their philanthropy in our playbill for the show and in the lobby when possible.

Sharing the Story is designed to break down barriers to artistic engagement and provide opportunities for populations throughout the state to experience theatre that is relevant to their lives and experiences.

For our production of With, the Foundation for End-of-Life Care provided the funding for a group of tickets to be used by those involved in palliative and hospice care in senior homes and medical facilities across the city, as well as families with individuals in these facilities. Their generosity ensured that the themes of care and mortality present in With could reach a cohort of individuals who are affected by those themes in their daily lives.

For more information, or to learn how your organization can participate as a recipient or a benefactor, visit the Sharing the Story web page or contact our Director of Marketing and Engagement, Erika Stone at, or (907) 364-2421 ext. 244.