JUNEAU, AK — When the costumes come off and the music fades in the staged world of pro wrestling, what do the wrestlers really want to say to their bosses? The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity is a funny and quirky look at pro wrestling, geopolitics, and capitalism. — Chad Deity runs September 15 – October 7 in Juneau and November 9 -19 in …
Community Events in Anchorage During To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird opens on April 28th in Anchorage, and runs through May 7. and we have many special events and opportunities for you to engage with the cast and members of the community about the play, the novel, and the connections this story has to life in Alaska in 2017.
Perseverance Theatre presents WriteOn, student-written, one-act plays | Juneau Empire
Article from the Juneau Empire: Perseverance Theatre presents WriteOn, an evening of student-written, one-act plays | Juneau Empire – Alaska’s Capital City Online Newspaper.